Saturday, March 7, 2009

International Women's Day

8th March: International Women’s Day, is big here. As it falls on a Sunday this year, we celebrated it in the office today (Friday). All the women were invited to meet and reflect on women’s rights and the challenges women face at work. The country director invited thoughts from the female staff on what they find hard at work and what Plan can do to make life easier.

After a discussion of the difficulties of balancing work and child care, and women’s responsibility for cooking and cleaning, the team decided that next year men should be invited to the celebrations so they can better understand the challenges facing women and be part of the solution.

Then, to celebrate being women, we had cake :-)

This talk of the importance of women and their rights doesn't stop advertising and imagery that continues to portray women as inferior or the weaker sex, though. Like this advert for yamaha ...