Saturday, March 28, 2009

Elections (again)

So, the elections passed peacefully. Heard on RFI (France's answer to BBC World Service) this morning that the results were officially approved today; landslide opposition victory as expected. Things have been calm this week but with everyone i've spoken to, from my colleagues to taxi men expecting some kind of big change and Wade to go. Will have to wait and see.

I keep hearing more and more stories of why people are fed up with the President and the way he spends Senegalese people's money. In 2002, it was well known that the boat taking passengers from Dakar to Casamance in the south of the country, was old and unsafe. The President declared he did not have the funds to replace it; and then went out and bought a private jet for his many jaunts abroad. Several weeks later the boat sank. It had a capacity of 550 but over 2000 people were on board; 64 survived. The tragedy was totally avoidable and people are still angry for the President's negligence. Victims' families were promised compensation. 7 years on and still no sign of it.
Thought I'd post some pics of the remnants of the campaign. Every available space seems to have been plastered with election posters, which are now slowly peeling away.

Campaigners have clearly been out in force with their paint. Most of the billboards for SOPI (the coalition incorporating the current ruling party) have red paint splattered over the face of the guy running for position in Dakar.